One-on-One Coaching
Prolific offers one-on-one skills coaching for individuals with one of our trained Skills Coaches. Individual skills coaching is where your child will behaviorally rehearse a core skill approximately 1-2 times a week-- an important component for skill mastery and generalization. Coaching sessions focus on working through each of the skills systematically to develop a greater understanding of the skills and to provide in session practice with a focus on strengthening skills. Coaching calls and texts are utilized to assist in using skills effectively in the context in which they need them and improves skills generalization and quality of life. These services can be offered as part of the individual therapy.
Being aware of emotion
Tolerating destructive urges
Lowering emotional intensity
Increasing the ability to focus and concentrate
Increasing the ability to bring attention back when distracted
Experiencing a sense of calm
Skills Deficit addressed:
Confusion about self
Destructive or out-of-control thoughts
Problems experiencing or identifying one's self
A pervasive sense of emptiness
Problems in maintaining one's own feelings, opinions, decisions when around others
Cognitive disturbances like depersonalization, dissociation
Racing thoughts and tendency to become emotionally hijacked
Skills Taught:
Getting through difficult situations without damaging self, goals, or relationships
Increasing the ability to soothe or distract effectively to manage difficult situations
Accepting the reality of situations to minimize suffering and solve problems when possible
Skills Deficit addressed:
Impulsiveness: problems with alcohol, drugs, eating, spending, shoplifting, sex, fast driving, self-harm and suicidal behaviors
Becoming emotionally hijacked - the tendency to grow or practice feelings that lead to crisis
Skills Taught:
Understanding the importance of emotions
Being aware of vulnerabilities and triggers
Recognizing and using alternative responses to emotional urges
Enhancing control over emotions
Developing a lifestyle that increases positive emotions
Skills Deficit addressed:
Labile affect - extreme emotional sensitivity, ups and downs, moodiness
Intense emotional reactions
Chronic depression
Problems with anger
Problems with anxiety
Skills Taught:
Skillfully asking for what one wants
Learning how to skillfully deal with conflict situations
How to say no to unwanted requests and demands
How to maintain healthy relationships
How to maintain self-respect
The use of effective social skills
Skills Deficits addressed:
Interpersonal chaos
Intense, unstable relationships
Trouble maintaining relationships
Panic, anxiety, and dread over relationships ending
Frantic attempts to avoid abandonment
Enmeshment: making one person the center of your universe
Skills Taught:
Balanced actions, emotions, thinking
Accepting alternative possibilities
Synthesizing contradictory information or emotions (dialectical thinking)
Acknowledging the impact of life experiences on self and others
Reinforcing skillful behaviors and not reinforcing unskillful behaviors
Skills Deficit addressed:
All or nothing thinking/ or black or white thinking
Rigid and inflexible thinking
The tendency to self-invalidate
The tendency to self-sabotage and get stuck
The tendency to have polarized thoughts (all good or all bad; right and wrong; blame)